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Theater: "The Inner View" at "Masque & Spectacle"

Is "The Inner View" my only play online right now? It might be. Written about 20 years ago, this comedic two-hander was initially intended as part of an evening of one-acts, The Seven Ages, riffing on the phases of life outlined in Shakespeare's famous "All the world's a stage..." monologue in As You Like It. The overarching concept isn't originally mine. Thornton Wilder conceived the idea but never finished his own execution. (I played a baby in "Infancy" — one of the few plays he did write on the topic — when I was a senior in college.) While "The Inner View" has never had an official production, there was a really entertaining staged reading of it directed by Kimmy Gatewood at The P.I.T. around twenty years ago. Are you a little curious? You can read "The Inner View" at Masque & Spectacle: An Arts and Literary Journal which published the script on Sep. 1, 2024.

Photo Credit:  This negative, cropped version of a "Man, Woman, Coat" image comes courtesy of the PublicDomainPictures account at Pixabay.

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